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Excellent Methodology , Great Approach to word Formation.


— Celia from Sāo Paulo, SP 



I have learned a lot more

about the effectiveness of the 

english language

working with teacher Fred Xavier


— Carlos from Sāo Paulo, SP  

Vibrant and Competent.



Phillip  from Wigan, UK

Made me look at English as an easy way to communicate effectively 



— Dorival from São Paulo, SP

In 2003, ICAO set a deadline,(March 2008)  for English language proficiency at Level 4 and above for all pilots flying international routes as well as air traffic controllers serving international airports and routes.

For States which were not able to meet the March 2008 deadline, full implementation was to be completed by March 2011.

The proficiency scale ranges from Level 1 to Level 6,

with guidelines published for:

    ▪    Pronunciation

    ▪    Fluency

    ▪    Structure

    ▪    Vocabulary

    ▪    Comprehension

    ▪    Interaction

The Santos Dumont English Assessment is an oral interview divided into four parts:

Part I - Pilot's Background

Part II - Interacting as a Pilot

Part III - Emergency Situations

Part IV - Aviation Topics


At SDEA, the skills subject to evaluation are: pronunciation, grammar structures, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and interaction. The examination is based on the holistic descriptors and scale of language proficiency determined by ICAO, which is contained in Appendix A of the RBAC 61. 

The current format of the SDEA was developed to distinguish the following levels of linguistic proficiency : 

Advanced (5) , Operational (4), Pre-operational (3), Elementary (2) and Pre-elementary (1).

For each of the six skills evaluated, one level is assigned: the candidate's final grade is equal to the lowest of them.

Focused Tuition in ENGLISH for people with drive and determined to learn and develop skills in English . Free speech , Tips and Exercises on how to make your English flow throughly, Guidance to easy thinking and structuring using your mother tongue to build up your English.

Study timetable set up for specific purposes.

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